Before the New Sun Rises


Am I doing the cliché,
looking at a poem, and thinking of you?

Did I make you smile, bitterly,
Looking at this poem, and thinking of me?

There are two magical words in the language of poets:
Qurbat, is one.
You’d know, I’m near.
I had to leave,
The part of me behind,
The one that could not stop loving you.
Moajza, is the second.
It is nothing short of a miracle.
To have my heart pried open,
By a year that is passing.

I looked at a poem,
And I thought of you.



There is a lot hidden, under your skin.
Memories travel unbidden, under your skin.

What countries lie unmapped, unexplored, in wait,
Their languages in riddles, under your skin.

Their dried up oceans have now become heaps of sand,
Perhaps there are pearls hidden, under your skin.

Those sights and sounds and smells you remember so!
They have unsuspected triggers, under your skin.

The shadows that stay up nights, replaying yesterdays,
Their puppet master lives hidden, under your skin.

Sal, you ought to think, before you’re played again,
There is a world forbidden, under your skin.

Nightmare I

The ocean takes away pieces of my soul,
I cannot leave, I am the shore.
I wake from nightmares of blinding lights
to your clear voice, whispering,
“Hush! Come here,
Hush! Its okay, come”, and you hang up
I pry my eyes open
I want to see your face, you’re here
before I fall
into a dazzling wakefulness again
into familiar streets, deserted
in a town I think I know
a lone bull in stark sunlight
chases memories to trample
I hide in empty houses
my father waits;
he brought me water
he knows I return thirsty,
with an empty water-bottle;
at a little shop outside the city gates
Isn’t this the ancient mariner‘s curse?
You’re an ocean
And I’ve no water to drink.


How easy it is to write your name;
How easy to make your language my own;
How easily the curves come to my hands,
When I trace the words on your body
As if your skin was paper
And I was writing a letter to…

What is my name?
Do you remember?
I must’ve given it to you to keep safe –
That day, when I stripped off
All the masks of dignity and propriety,
And stood before you,

Let me hear the shape of my name in your mouth.
Find it tangled in the lines of your hand;
Touch it in your voice;
Tell me my name,
For I have forgotten.

From a lost letter


कड़वाहट की मीठी ख़ुशबू
मोहब्बत के अफ़साने कुछ
धीरे से गर्माते दिन में
मिल जाएँ अनजाने कुछ

ये ख़याल मिरे तुम लेते जाओ
आधे हैं पैमाने कुछ
शाम हुए जल उठते हैं जब
आते जुगनू और परवाने कुछ

अधूरी बातें, ख़्वाब मुकम्मल
धुँधले कुछ, पहचाने कुछ
बातें करते सन्नाटों में
रिश्तों के ताने-बाने कुछ

कुछ यादों को भूलो तुम भी
दिन बीते, और शामें कुछ
ढलती शामों में बहने दो
यादों के वीराने कुछ